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Iterative Listen

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package name.panitz.util; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.Comparator; public class AL<E> { private int size = 0; private Object[]store = new Object[10]; public boolean isEmpty(){return size==0;} public int length(){ return size; } public E get(int i){ if (i>=size||i<0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return (E)store[i]; } public E head(){return get(0);} public static <E>AL<E> nil(){return new AL<>();} public void add(E e){ if (size>=store.length) enlargeStore(); store[size++] = e; } private void enlargeStore(){ Object[]newStore = new Object[store.length+10]; for (int i=0;i<size;i++) newStore[i]=store[i]; store=newStore; } public static <E>AL<E> of({ AL<E> r = nil(); for (var e:es) r.add(e); return r; } @Override public String toString(){ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("["); boolean first = true; for (var i=0;i<size;i++){ if (first) first = false;else result.append(", "); result.append(store[i]); } result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o){ if (o.getClass()!=AL.class) return false; var that = (AL<E>)o; if (this.length()!=that.length()) return false; for (int i=0;i<size;i++){ if (!this.get(i).equals(that.get(i)))return false; } return true; } public E last(){ return null; /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> append(AL<E> that){ AL<E> rs = nil(); return rs; /*ToDo*/ } public void addAll(AL<E> that){ /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> drop(int i){ AL<E> rs = nil(); return rs; /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> tail(){return drop(1);} public AL<E> take(int i){ AL<E> rs = nil(); return rs; /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> sublist(int from, int length) { return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> reverse(){ return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> intersperse(E e){ return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } public boolean isPrefixOf(AL<E> that){ return false; /*ToDo*/ } public boolean isSuffixOf(AL<E> that){ return false; /*ToDo*/ } public boolean isInfixOf(AL<E> that){ return false; /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> rotate(){ return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } public AL<AL<E>> tails(){ return of(nil()); /*ToDo*/ } public void forEach(Consumer<? super E> con) { /*ToDo*/ } public boolean containsWith(Predicate< ? super E> p) { return false; /*ToDo*/ } public boolean contains(E el) { return false; /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> dropWhile(Predicate< ? super E> p){ return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> takeWhile(Predicate< ? super E> p){ return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> filter(Predicate<? super E> p){ return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } public <R> AL<R> map(Function<? super E, ? extends R> f){ return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } static public record Pair<A,B>(A fst,B snd){ @Override public String toString(){return "("+fst()+", "+snd()+")";} } public <B> AL<Pair<E,B>> zip(AL<B> that){ return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } public Pair<AL<E>,AL<E>> span(Predicate<? super E> p){ return new Pair<>(nil(),nil()); /*ToDo*/ } public Pair<AL<E>,AL<E>> partition(Predicate<? super E> p){ return new Pair<>(nil(),nil()); /*ToDo*/ } public boolean isSorted(Comparator<? super E> cmp){ return false; /*ToDo*/ } public AL<E> qsort(Comparator<? super E> cmp){ return nil(); /*ToDo*/ } }
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